
Want to learn more about Green values in action? Click on the following links to learn more about Green Party positions on various issues of state and national concern.

The Green Party calls for expanded protection of our natural resources. We support additional funding for public transportation across Pennsylvania.  Read our position on gas drilling in Pennsylvania.

The Green Party calls for universal single-payer healthcare coverage for all Pennsylvanians. We support HB1688 and SB1040 which call for comprehensive healthcare coverage for everyone in PA. Read more at Health Care 4 All PA.

The Green Party supports local, living economies across Pennsylvania. We call for more local buying initiatives and strategic linking of eco-business and economic development. We support a living wage for all Pennsylvanians, which would be significantly more than the minimum wage.

The Green Party calls on our Governor to bring home our National Guard troops immediately.

Ballot Access
The Green Party believes in fair and equal ballot access for all parties and independent candidates. We support the Voter Choice Act.  Current 2013 VCA information can be found here.  Sign the petition to support the Voters Choice Act.

This would level the playing field for minor party and independent candidates.


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